Feeding Program

Every child should have to a balanced diet

In the fabric of urban family life, a silent struggle threads through: the struggle for proper nutrition. It's an unseen battle, but its effects are starkly visible, especially in children not yet seven, whose growth is stunted by the relentless grip of malnutrition. This creeping specter of hunger is not born of scarcity alone but is woven from the complex tapestry of poverty.

The war against hunger is most acute in the dense warrens of urban dwellings, where daily life is a high-stakes gamble with little to no wages and healthcare is a luxury few can afford. Clean water, the most basic ingredient of health, remains elusive, leading to a cascade of sanitation woes. The consequence? A staggering 40% of young lives in these communities are overshadowed by stunting—a UNICEF statistic that’s as alarming as it is heartbreaking.

But this is not just a tale of despair. It’s a clarion call for a strategic alliance against poverty, a rallying cry for educational empowerment. The key to unlocking the chains of malnutrition lies within the heart of the community itself. By weaving education into the fabric of these lives, we can begin to unravel the cycle of hunger, offering not just meals, but a pathway to a nourished, thriving future.

Molding Minds Transforming Lives

We recognize the pivotal role that proper nutrition plays in education. Our feeding program provides a comprehensive daily nutrition to our young learners. foster healthy growth and development. Our objective is to create a tangible impact on the lives of children residing in informal settlements. So that they can concentrate more effectively, achieve academically, and unlock their full potential, instilling in them the hope for a brighter future.

By providing the nutritious meals, we empower our students to remain engaged in school, reducing the rate of school dropouts within the community. We serve over 10,000 plates of food each month and over 15,000 cups of healthy porridge.


Dawn of an Era: Beyond the Vision's Impact

Redefining Hope, One Life at a Time

Plates of Nourishing food served every year
Cups of porridge served every year
Rate of school dropouts due to lack of a meal
Cost to feed a child every month
400 +
Number of children benefiting from the feeding program

Join us in Our Mission to Feed One Child at aTime